The State of Michigan recently passed legislation regarding youth athletes, concussions, and the athletes return to play. All youth sports associations are required by these statutes to have all coaches, commissioners, and officials (e.g., referees and umpires) certified by taking an on-line concussion certification program offered through the Center for Disease Control (CDC). This on-line program, called “HEADS UP, CONCUSSION IN YOUTH SPORTS,” will assist Hart Rec participants in identifying signs of concussions and the steps of response and healing.
To comply, all coaches, commissioners, and officials must complete the CDC on-line certification program. Parents, players, and all supporters are encouraged to take the certification program as well to familiarize themselves with the signs of concussions and the recommended process to bring the injured athlete back to his/her sport at a healthful pace. This certification program will take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Below are key links for the Hart Rec program:
* CDC Heads-Up Training Homepage
* Download the below instructions - Compliance Instructions
To comply, all affected VAA participants must complete the following steps:
1. Go to the CDC site:
2. Set your browser to allow pop-ups from this site (this is a requirement to receive proof of compliance!). Instructions for Microsoft Internet Explorer are below.
3. Watch each video (there are five and the website walks you through each). After each video, a short interactive test is given. After all videos a final test is given. (No anxiety here – if you watch the videos, you will pass the test!)
4. After completing the final test, a certificate is offered. The certificate is printable but not downloadable to a folder. Fill in your name, *** phone number ***, and date of completion (all in same blank), then use one of the following options to obtain a copy of the certification
a. Print, then scan into a file
b. Make a screen print and save to a file (here is a site that seems to have usable instructions -
c. Print using a “printer” that actually makes a file (e.g., Microsoft XPS Document Writer –available with later versions of Windows - or CutePDF Writer
d. Take a digital picture of the monitor
e. Last resort, print and mail to Hart Rec using address on Hart Rec website (
5. Email file with certificate to appropriate VAA contact
a. Coaches and commissioners: [email protected]
b. Referees and umpires: u[email protected]
To allow pop-ups for IE v9:
There should be a gear-like icon near upper right. Click on the gear and select “Internet
Select the Privacy tab
In the section Pop-up Blocker (about 2/3 down) click on [Settings]
Under “Address of website to allow” type and then click on [Add]
Close the screens